Videos and Resources

Watch the following videos or download additional information about Lance Mack and his presentation.

Video Clips

Abraham Lincoln by Lance Mack
Watch Lance in action on YouTube.
Iowa City Public Library - Presentation
Presenting Mister Lincoln - Documentary
Lance presenting the Gettysburg Address at the Marion (Iowa) Heritage Center
See and hear Lance's rendition of the Gettysburg Address as he gave it at the opening of a civil War photograph exhibit in Marion, Iowa.
Reenactment of Lincoln's First Inauguration
See Lance recreate Abraham Lincoln's First Inauguration of March 4, 1861, hosted by Iowa State Senator Rob Hogg in the Iowa State Capital Building at Des Moines.

Files and Resources

Lincoln Handout / Brochure (578.3K)
Download a printable brochure describing Lance's core presentation and client testimonials.
Customized Presentations (87.6K)
Lance can customize his presentation for your audience.
Lance Presents Abe - Powerpoint (3.1MB)